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East Kent Canine Society Open Show 2012 Critique

The snow took its toll on numbers but my winner would have been competitive regardless of the entry present.

Class 49 Junior Dog/Btich (1 entry) Abs 1

Class 50 Post Graduate Dog/Bitch (2 Entries) Abs 2

Class 51 Open Dog/Bitch (2 Entries) Abs 4

Open 1 Hyndsight Riddick

2 year old male. Good head and ears. Eyes could have been a little darker. Super front construction with correct forechest. Good length of body and neck and good depth of chest. Good tuck up and correct rear angulation. Well boned. Overall impression was one of power and strength. The size of ring didn’t help this long striding dog but I saw enough to note good straight and true action.

Open 2 Hyndsight Ripley into Shagied

2 year old bitch. An attractive bitch of different type to the winner. Pretty head but ears could have been a little smaller. Would have preferred more front pastern slope. Good depth of chest with strong rear quarters and lovely fall away. Tight feet and good harsh coat.


Dr Elise Cartmell